Monday, September 10, 2012

Connecting with running

In "Mother Tongue" by Amy Tan, the story talks about how more than just whats said.  It has a more literally meaning of how it is told in the text, such as in my community when I run. What we do is not only running, we also spread the message of running and fitness to others hopefully giving the community inspiration in many forms of non-verbal communication. The point is that I, and others, want people to get healthy and fit. Just as in the story, the message is the same way but the tone and aspect of the story causes it to inspire the daughter to show others how life or the "big picture" should be. It's a way of moving to a different beat or being different from others. This is just like the way you talk or act in different ways, just like my life and my community in running. Also in can connect with my real life with the article "Library card".  It allows me to realize that running will allow me to overcome anything.  Just as the writer of the article came over his civil rights issues.  With following these to articles as a guideline, you can aspire to greatness inside your community.


  1. I like the way you connected "Mothers Tongue" to your get fit rant. Thanks for making me feel obese, appreciate it loads.

  2. I like how Joshua just made you feel bad, which in return made me feel awesome. Josh you are not obese. You are a very good looking man, that has something knowlegeable to say about everything. It is awesomeeeeeeee. You sound like you could be a tak show argueing a point about why obeseidy is bad.

  3. Patrick, thanks for making me feel fat and unhealthy for not working out. I feel much better about myself now :) I liked how you connected it to the readings we did.

  4. Lets keep talking about how Patrick is the only one that works out.

  5. I liked how you connected to the readings, and I also liked your universal theme of overcoming huge obstacles in your life.
